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Haskovo is one of the richest regions with historical and architectural places. Declared and announced immovable cultural properties are numbered 597, of which 39 are of national importance. The area is extremely rich of immovable cultural property, which are prehistoric and especially from Early Thracian Era (11-6 century BC).

The modern landscape is very different from what it was in the fifth - sixth centuries. Until the sixteenth century (ХVІ), the region is covered with dense ancient forests, the rivers are considerably deep. Although undergoes minor changes, the climate has always been favorable for the development of agriculture and rearing cattle. Excellent living conditions on these lands since ancient times, compensate the risks to live on a crossroads through which periodically undergo many conquerors, sowing death and destruction.

The favourable climate, beautiful and clean nature, and unique flora and fauna are a key factor behind the development opportunities of tourism in Haskovo region. The region has a leading position in the country in terms of agricultural areas with permanent crops, especially vineyards. Bulgarian wine producers offer their products more successfully in the international market. Many of them opened tasting rooms and offer guests the opportunity to enjoy the superior quality, taste and aroma of Bulgarian red and white wines.

Another prerequisite is the rich cultural heritage of the region: the architectural and building monuments of ancient and medieval architectural sites, monuments of the Renaissance (castles, monasteries, churches and old houses), historic sites and museums. Population of the region has a specific way of life, traditions, customs and crafts.


Haskovo Region

Places of interest
accomodation choices